Archive for the ‘research paper’ Category

Sasaki,H., Matoba, S., Shiraiwa, T. and Benson, C.S. (2016) Temporal Variation in Iron Flux Deposition onto the Northern North Pacific Reconstructed from an Ice Core Drilled at Mount Wrangell, Alaska, SOLA, 12, 287-290.

Fu, P., Kawamura, K., Seki, O., Izawa, Y., Shiraiwa, T. and Ashworth, K. (2016) Historical trends of biogenic SOA tracers in an ice core from Kamchatka Peninsula. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 3, 351-358.

福田知子・押田龍夫・Nevedomskaya Irina A.・Bobyr Igor G.・八木欣平・河合久仁子・白岩孝行・大泰司紀之 (2016): 国後島の「ストルボフスキー生態観察路」の生物相概説,哺乳類科学,56(1),71-76.

Y. Ohata, T. Toyota and T. Shiraiwa (2016): Lake ice formation processes and thickness evolution at Lake Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Glaciology, 62 (233), 563-578.

ユーラシア研究所が発行する「ユーラシア研究 2015-12 No.53」に標記タイトルの特集を組みました。日本・中国・ロシア・モンゴルが国境を有するアムール・オホーツク地域で生じる様々な越境環境問題の実態とその解決に向けた方策について、自然科学、経済学、外交、国際関係論、国際法の立場からそれぞれ論考しております。お手にとってご覧いただけますと幸いです。

A. Tsushima, S. Matoba, T. Shiraiwa, S. Okamoto, H. Sasaki, D. J. Solie and K. Yoshikawa (2015): Reconstruction of recent climate change in Alaska from the Aurora Peak ice core, central Alaska, Climate of the Past, 11, 217–226, 2015.

Takayuki Shiraiwa (2014): A review of dissolved iron behavior with respect to land-use and land-cover in the Amur River basin and its conservation for the sustainable future of the region. Global Environmental Research, 18, 125-132.

Ambarish Pokhrel, Kimitaka Kawamura, Osamu Sekia, Sumio Matoba and Takayuki Shiraiwa (2015):“Ice core profiles of saturated fatty acids (C12:0–C30:0) and oleic acid (C18:1) from southern Alaska since 1734 AD: A link to climate change in the Northern Hemisphere”, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 100, January 2015, Pages 202–209.


A new book released. “Environmental Change and the Social Response in the Amur River Basin”. See details here.



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